Retail Marijuana Est. License

Important - Please Read the Following Information Carefully

It is the applicant‚ responsibility to obtain, read and understand all of the relevant sections of the DeBeque Municipal Code applicable to this procedure. Please keep in mind that more than one section of the code may apply to your application. These regulations are available through the Town of DeBeque municipal offices or online under Town Codes. If you do not understand portions of the code concerning your application, please ask questions.

  • Failure to complete the application, submit all of the required materials, or answer questions completely and accurately, may result in a delay in processing or a rejection of the application as incomplete.
  • All fees including Use Tax must be paid in full at the time of application.
  • Public meetings or public hearings will not be scheduled for an application until it is deemed complete by the town.
  • Each applicant should take the time necessary to submit a complete and comprehensive application.
  • Town staff is available to direct the applicant to appropriate sources of information.

It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a Retail Marijuana Establishment without a State License and without a Licence issued under the provisions of this Chapter. A separate License is required for each Retail Marijuana Establishment and each Licensed Premises. De Beque Municipal Code  § 5.22.040.

RMJ Application Form

Contact Information:

Town Hall: (970) 253-5475