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Municipal Codes


The Town Code is a compilation of the official laws, rules, and regulations of the Town of De Beque. Ordinances that have recently been approved by the Town Board of Trustees that may not yet be codified can be viewed below.

Every attempt is made to keep the information on this website current. It is however recommended that the viewer consult the Town Clerk to ensure the Code information represented here is the most up to date.


Title 1: General Provisions

This covers the following codes:

1.01 Code Adoption 

1.04 General Provisions

1.08 Town Seal

1.08 Town Seal

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Title 2: Administration and Personnel

This covers the following codes:

2.04 2.06 Town Offices Generally

2.08 Town Officers and Employees

2.10 Procedure for Hearings

2.14 Procurement Code Planning and Zoning Commission

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Title 3: Elections and Recall of Officials

This covers the following codes:

3.20 Conduct of Elections

3.40 Board of Trustees and Mayor

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Title 4: Revenue and Finance

This covers the following codes:

4.04 Investment Policy

4.08 Sales Tax

4.10 Use Tax

4.12 Telephone Utility

Tax 4.14 Lodging Occupation Tax

4.15 Medical Marijuana Center Occupation Tax

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Title 4: Amended not yet codified

Title 4.18: Amended not yet codified

Title 4.08: Amended not yet codified

Title 5: Business Licenses and Regulations

This covers the following codes:

5.04 Contractors

5.12 Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants

5.14 Sexually Oriented Businesses-General Provisions

5.16 Issuance and Conditions of Sexually Oriented Business Licenses

5.18 Qualifications of Applicants for Sexually Oriented Business Licenses

5.20 Suspension and Revocation Procedures for Sexually Oriented Business Licenses

5.22 Retail Marijuana Licensing-General Provisions

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Title 5: Amended not yet codified

Title 5.04: Amended not yet codified

Title 6: De Beque Municipal Court

This covers the following codes:

6.01 Municipal Court Created

6.02 Jurisdiction -- Powers -- Procedures

6.03 Municipal Judges

6.04 Clerk of the Municipal Court

6.05 Court Facilities and Supplies -- Appropriations

6.06 Penalty Assessments

6.07 Non-criminal Municipal Offenses

6.09 Court Fees and Costs

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Title 6: Amended not yet codified

Title 7:Health and Sanitation

This covers the following codes:

7.04 Nuisances

7.06 Refuse Collection

7.08 Trailers

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Title 8: Utilities and Services

This covers the following codes:

8.04 Water Service System Generally

8.06 Irrigation Water System

8.08 Sewer Service System Generally

8.12 Fire Protection and Ambulance Services

8.16 Water and Sewer Taps

8.20 Water Rights Dedication

8.24 Water Pollution

8.28 Emergency Telephone System

8.32 Standards and Specifications for Public Facilities and Improvements

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Title 9: Animals

This covers the following codes:

9.04 General Provisions

9.08 Animal Control Regulations Generally

9.12 Regulations Concerning Dogs

9.14 Impoundment of Animals

9.16 Cruelty to Animals

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Title 10: Public Peace, Safety and Morals

This covers the following codes:

10.04 General Provisions

10.08 Principles of Criminal Culpability

10.12 Parties to Offenses--Accountability

10.16 Justification and Exemptions From Criminal Responsibility

10.20 Responsibility

10.24 Offenses Relating to Public Peace, Order and Safety

10.28 Offenses Against Personal and Real Property

10.32 Offenses Relating to Intoxicating Liquors and Drugs

10.34 Repealed 2014

10.36 Offenses Relating to Morals

10.40 Offenses Relating to Gambling

10.44 Public Nuisances

10.48 Offenses Relating to Governmental Operations

10.52 Offenses Relating to Juveniles

10.54 Offenses Relating to the Furnishing, Purchasing or Possessing of Tobacco Products

10.56 Public Parks and Community Facilities

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Title 10: Amended not yet codified

Title 11: Vehicles and Traffic

This covers the following codes:

11.04 Model Traffic Code

11.08 Truck Routes

11.12 Junked and Abandoned Vehicles

11.16 Towing of Motor Vehicles

11.18 Off-highway Vehicles

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Title 11: Amended not yet codified

Title 12: Building and Construction

12.04 General Provisions

12.08 Definitions

12.12 International Building Code

12.14 International Plumbing Code

12.16 International Mechanical Code

12.18 International Fuel Gas Code

12.20 International Property Maintenance Code

12.22 International Residential Code

12.24 International Energy Conservation Code

12.28 National Electric Code

12.32 Administration and Enforcement

12.36 Permits and Fees

12.40 Appeals

12.44 Mobile Homes

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Title 13: Streets, Sidewalks and Public Property

This covers the following codes:

13.04 General Provisions

13.08 Design and Construction of Public Improvements

13.10 Public Improvements by Contract

13.12 Street and Sidewalk Construction and Repair

13.16 Excavations

13.20 Tree Planting and Removal

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Title 14: Land Use Regulations

This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.01 - General Provisions and Definitions:

14.01.010 Short Title

14.01.020 Purpose

14.01.030 Authority

14.01.040 Jurisdiction

14.01.050 Organization

14.01.060 Public Notice Requirements

14.01.070 Vested Property Rights

14.01.080 Fees

14.01.090 Severability

14.01.100 Amendment

14.01.110 Land Dedication Requirements

14.01.120 Interpretation

14.01.130 Certificate of Occupancy

14.01.140 Building Permits

14.01.150 Violations

14.01.160 Subdivision Improvements Agreements and Development Improvement Agreements

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Title 14: 14.01 Amended not yet codified

This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.02 - Annexation:

14.02.010 General

14.02.020 Application Requirements

14.02.030 Annexation Agreement

14.02.040 Annexation Map Requirements

14.02.050 Conceptual Plan Map Requirements

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.03 - Zoning - Provisions, Uses, and Requirements:

Part 1 - General Provisions

14.03.010 Establishment of Zone Districts

14.03.020 Incorporation of the Zoning Map

14.03.030 Zone District Boundaries

14.03.040 Annexation and Zoning

14.03.050 Application of Regulations

14.03.060 Principal and Accessory Uses

14.03.070 Permitted Uses

14.03.080 Special Review Uses

14.03.090 Nonconforming Uses and Structures

14.03.100 Uses Not Itemized

14.03.110 Zoning Variances

14.03.120 Rezoning

14.03.130 Other Zoning Provisions

14.03.140 Home Occupations

14.03.150 General Requirements for all Business, Commercial and Industrial Uses

14.03.160 Common Interest Communities

Part 2 - Zone District Provisions

14.03.170 Descriptions and Limitations of Zone Districts

14.03.180 Schedule of Uses

14.03.190 Public Zone District Schedule of Uses

14.03.200 Schedule of Requirements - RZD, OTC, SC and P Districts

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Title 14: 14.03 Amended not yet codified

This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.04 - Planned Unit Development (PUD):

14.04.010 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Designation, Purpose, Objectives and Authority

14.04.020 Zoning Classifications

14.04.030 PUD Plan-Conformity with Master Plan

14.04.040 Subdivision and Zoning Regulations Applicable-PUD Plan

14.04.050 Subdivision Provisions Modification Authorized

14.04.060 Compatibility of Land Use Elements

14.04.070 Overview of PUD Procedures

14.04.080 Site Plan Criteria, General Requirements

14.04.090 Off-Street Parking

14.04.100 Building Height

14.04.110 Minimum Land Area

14.04.120 Lot Area and Coverage, Setbacks and Clustering

14.04.130 Residential Density

14.04.140 Permitted Uses

14.04.150 Common Open Space

14.04.160 Application for PUD-PUD Plan

14.04.170 PUD/Subdivision Plat Required

14.04.180 Public Hearings

14.04.190 Development Schedule

14.04.200 Planning and Zoning Commission-Review

14.04.210 PUD Approval Procedure

14.04.220 Form of PUD Approval

14.04.230 PUD Agreement

14.04.240 PUD Plan Enforcement-Modifications

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.05 - Subdivision:

Part 1 - General Provisions

14.05.010 Types of Subdivisions

14.05.020 Major Subdivisions

14.05.030 Minor Subdivisions

14.05.050 Re-subdivisions

Titles 14.05 - 14.20

This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.05 - Subdivision:

Part 1 - General Provisions

14.05.010 Types of Subdivisions

14.05.020 Major Subdivisions

14.05.030 Minor Subdivisions

14.05.050 Re-subdivisions

Part 3 - Modification or Vacation of Previously Approved Subdivisions

14.05.090 Legislative Declaration

14.05.100 Definitions

14.05.110 Review of Subdivisions

14.05.120 When a Subdivision is Considered Undeveloped or Abandoned

14.05.130 Hearing to Determine Status

14.05.140 Modification or Vacation of Subdivision Plats

Part 2 - Additional Subdivision Provisions

14.05.060 Land Dedication and Fees in Lieu of Dedication

14.05.070 Subdivision Design Standards

14.05.080 Minimum Infrastructure Requirements

14.05.050 Amended Plats

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Title 14: 14.05  Amended not yet codified

Part 1 - Compliance, General Procedures, and Pre-application Conference

14.06.010 Compliance

14.06.020 Application

14.06.030 General Procedures

14.06.040 Pre-application Conference

Part 3 - Appeals and Variances

14.06.160 Planning Commission Review

14.06.170 Powers and Duties

14.06.180 Appeal Procedures and Variance Applications

14.06.190 Public Notice of the Planning Commission Hearing

14.06.200 Review Criteria

14.06.210 Planning Commission Decision

14.06.220 Record of Planning Commission Proceedings

14.06.230 Record of Decision

14.06.240 Duration of a Planning Commission Decision

Part 2 - Review Procedures

14.06.050 Administrative Procedures, Purpose and Applicability

14.06.060 Submittal of Applications and Applicability

14.06.070 Determination of Completeness

14.06.080 Review and Referral of an Application

14.06.090 Planning Commission Review

14.06.100 Review Criteria and Planning Commission Recommendation

14.06.110 Public Notice of Board of Trustees Review

14.06.120 Board of Trustees Review and Decision

14.06.130 Record of Decision

14.06.140 Duration of Approval

14.06.150 Recording of Ordinances or Final Plats

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Title 7: Health and Sanitation

This covers the following codes:

7.04 Nuisances

7.06 Refuse Collection

7.08 Trailers

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.08 - Design Standards:

Part 1 - Architectural Standards

14.08.010 Residential Architecture (Multi-Family Dwellings)

14.08.020 Townhouses and Row Houses (Single-Family Attached Dwellings)

14.08.030 Multi-Family Stacked Units, Including Condominiums and Apartments

14.08.040 Commercial and Industrial Architecture

Part 3 - Lighting Standards

14.08.150 Intent

14.08.160 Applicability

14.08.170 Abatement of Legal Non-conforming Exterior Lighting

14.08.180 Definitions 14.08.190 Design Standards

14.08.200 Maximum Lighting Standards

14.08.210 Prohibited Lighting

14.08.220 Exceptions

14.08.230 Submittal Requirements

14.08.240 Variances and Exemptions

14.08.250 Temporary Lighting Exemption

Part 2 - Landscape Standards

14.08.060 Applicability

14.08.070 Landscape Design

14.08.080 Business/Commercial and Industrial Development Landscaping Standards

14.08.090 State Highway Corridor Landscaping Standards

14.08.100 Downtown Landscaping Standards

14.08.110 Parking Lot Landscaping Standards

14.08.120 Storm Drainage Facilities

14.08.130 Submittal Standards for Landscape Plans

14.08.140 Prohibited Plant Materials List

14.08.050 Industrial District Architectural Standards

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.09 - Off-Street Parking:

14.09.010 General Parking Requirements

14.09.160 Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required

14.09.020 Combination of Uses and Shared Parking Facilities

14.09.030 Deferral of Parking Requirements

14.09.040 Modification of Requirements

14.09.050 Parking Requirements for Uses Not Listed

14.09.060 Loading -- Schools

14.09.070 Loading -- Other

14.09.080 Maintenance Required

14.09.090 Location of Parking

14.09.100 Storage Use Prohibited

14.09.110 Site Plan Review

14.09.120 Design Requirements

14.09.130 Completion of Improvements

14.09.140 Interpretation of Requirements

14.09.150 Appeals

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.11 - Sexually Oriented Businesses:

14.11.010 Purpose and Description

14.11.020 Definitions

14.11.030 Special Review Use Permit Required

14.11.040 Separation Requirements

14.11.050 Criteria for Permit Approval

14.11.060 Review Process

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.12 - Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks:

14.12.010 Intent and Applicability

14.12.020 Special Review Use Application Required

14.12.030 Definitions

14.12.040 Permits and Licenses Required

14.12.050 Mobile and Manufactured Home Installation and Design Standards

14.12.060 Mobile Home Development Standards

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.13 - Sign Code:

14.13.010 Title

14.13.020 Purposes

14.13.030 Definitions

14.13.040 Sign Permits and Administration

14.13.050 Exempt Signs

14.13.060 Prohibited Signs

14.13.070 Removal, Enforcement, and Penalties

14.13.080 Measurement of Sign Area and Height

14.13.090 Sign Design

14.13.100 Sign Installation and Maintenance

14.13.110 Standards for Specific Types of Signs

14.13.120 Creative Signs

14.13.130 Sign Matrices

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This covers the following codes for Chapter 14.20 - Flood Damage Prevention:

14.20.010 Purpose
14.20.020 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses
14.20.030 Definitions
14.20.040 General Provisions
14.20.050 Compliance
14.20.060 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions
14.20.070 Interpretations
14.20.080 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability
14.20.090 Designation of the Floodplain Administrator
14.20.100 Duties and Responsibilities of Floodplain Administrator
14.20.110 Permit Procedures
14.20.120 Variance Procedures
14.20.130 Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction: General Standards
14.20.140 Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction: Specific Standards
14.20.150 Standards for Subdivision Proposals
14.20.160 Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AH Zones)
14.20.170 Penalties for Noncompliance
14.20.180 Certification

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