Town Clerk/Treasurer

The Town Clerk‚ office is the hub of town government, providing administrative assistance to the mayor and Board of Trustees. The Town Clerk is responsible for overseeing business and liquor licensing, elections and maintaining public records.

De Beque is a statutory municipal corporation. The clerk‚ office handles the various items that ensure smooth operation of municipal government, among them:

  • Coordination and completion of public record requests in compliance with Colorado statutes and the Town‚ public records policies.

  • Attests and maintains custody of all official documents.

  • Provides town information upon request, which generally includes minutes, agendas and copies.

  • Administers publication of the Town Code of Ordinances and supplements.

  • Records management liaisons with the State of Colorado.

  • Related administrative and purchasing services.

  • Clerk and recorder of the Municipal Court.

  • Any other related duties as assigned by the town manager or state statutes.