Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.



To all Interested Persons:

The Town of De Beque held its regular mail-in election on April 2, 2024.  Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Section 31-10-102.8, active military or overseas voters eligible to vote in municipal elections must submit their ballots by mail no later than 7 p.m. on the date of the election. The election official must count all valid ballots if the ballot is received by the close of business on the eighth day after the election.  Therefore, election results will be tallied and results announced immediately following the close of business on April 10, 2024.  A canvass of the election returns will be announced as soon as possible, but no later than April 12, 2024, as provided by Colorado Revised Statutes Section 31-10-1201.


Lisa Rogers, Town Clerk/Election Official