The Town Manager is the executive and administrative head of the Town and is appointed by the Board of Trustees. Through sound management principles and community participation, the Manager‚office builds and maintains an effective government organization. The manager develops policy recommendations and provides direction and support for the evaluation, planning, and implementation of all Town programs. This leadership and supervision implement the policies and decisions of the Board of Trustees in order to ensure the best delivery of service to the Town, within the framework of moral and fiscal responsibility.
The Town Manager supervises the day-to-day affairs of the town, including all departments within the organizational structure. The manager prepares budgets for the board‚ review, recruits, hires, and supervises staff, serves as the board‚ chief advisor, and carries out the board‚ policies. Board members count on the manager to provide them with complete and objective information and to point out the options, alternatives, and consequences in making decisions. It is the ultimate responsibility of the Town Manager to ensure compliance with any legal and/or legislative directives.