Public Works


Street Maintenance activities include:

Street patching and repair Alley and road shoulder maintenance


Public works is also responsible within the town limits for winter roadway maintenance.

  • Roadside mowing and weed spraying
  • The Public Works Department provides support for annual Street Repair Projects.

Crews plow snow, apply de-icing and anti-icing chemicals, load and haul snow/ice from designated areas and clear designated sidewalks During off hours and weekends, staff addresses issues when street conditions begin to warrant service, usually 4‚ or more inches of snowfall Streets that are safe and clear of snow play a crucial role in the quality of life we enjoy in our community The Department staff works to constantly plan, improve, and maintain the infrastructure and amenities of the town


Organization and supervision of custodial maintenance &, repairs of all kinds Maintains or adjusts heating, cooling, and ventilation in public buildings Does preventative maintenance on mechanical equipment and vehicles Maintains grounds, including cemetery, lawns, landscaping, sidewalks and entrance ways Maintaining downtown tree plantings Operation and maintenance of the raw water irrigation system Cleans culverts integral to the town‚ storm water drainage system Reviews and makes recommendations on plans for maintenance and ground projects



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