
The Town of De Beque provides water and sewer utility service in the incorporated limits and on a limited basis to unincorporated areas. Any new construction within 400 ft. of a sewer or water main line must connect to the system. The Town also contracts with a trash company to collect refuse on a weekly basis. The town is also fortunate to have a separate raw water irrigation utility.

Other utilities in the community include XCEL, Moon Lake Electric Power COOP, Century Link and Cedar Networks, which provide high speed fiber internet with speeds up to 1 gigabyte.

Utility Billing is conducted by Town Staff and is responsible for maintaining positive customer relations during connection, disconnection, billing, and payment collections for utility services. Utility Billing handles requests to stop and start services, answers customer\'s inquiries concerning their accounts, and handles all billing maintenance necessary to send accurate and timely bills to our customers. Payments can be made through the portal on the home page.