Community Planning

Comprehensive Planning is a process that determines community goals and aspirations in terms of community development. The outcome of the Comprehensive Master Plan (PDF) is what dictates public policy in terms of transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing. Comprehensive plans typically encompass large geographical areas, a broad range of topics, and cover a long-term time horizon.

In 2009 members of the community, along with the town officials, formed a committee to develop a Comprehensive Master Plan designed to articulate a vision for how De Beque can manage and promote changes in the community that will sustain existing resources while enhancing the overall quality of the community for its citizens.

In 2015 the Town Board, with the assistance of staff and community members, took the long-term vision for the community and turned it into a strategic plan. The plan consists of goals and actionable work tasks designed to implement the overall plan.

file type icon Comprehensive Master Plan