Cross Connection

Authority. The authority to implement and maintain this program of cross‚connection control is contained in the following legislative actions:Safe Drinking Water Act 1986, Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety and health standards (29 CFR 191, subpart J),C.R.S. 25-1-114, C.R.S 25-1-109, and C.R.S. 25-1-112, Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Section 39 of 5 CCR 1002-11 and Article 14, Hazardous Cross Connections,Colorado Plumbing Code and all uniform codes adopted therein, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Pool and Spa Code,and Uniform Solar Code.

The Town hopes to be fully implemented with this mandate by the end of 2018.

Implementation: The ‚Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual‚ (1993 or latest edition) shall serve as the regulations and guidelines for the Town‚cross‚connection control program.

"General requirements"

1. Plans for the construction of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings and facilities must be submitted to the Town for approval of backflow prevention devices, size, location, and type.

2. Existing buildings and facilities connected to the Town‚water utility system shall be surveyed by the Town public works department for possible cross-connection and degree of hazard determinations within one year of adoption of this Section.Requirements for backflow prevention devices shall be at the discretion of the Town under the guidelines of the Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual.

 3.  All costs involved with any design, purchase, installation, maintenance, repair, and/or subsequent testing required by this Section shall be the responsibility of the owner of the building or facility. 

4.  All backflow prevention devices must be inspected and tested immediately upon installation and annually thereafter.Written reports of inspection and tests, in approved format, shall be forwarded to the Town public works department within five (5) days of the inspection and/or test

.5. All inspectors and testers shall be certified as a ‚cross connection control technician‚ by the Colorado Department of Health or certified by the American Society of Sanitary Engineers(A.S.S.E) and approved by the Town

.6. All irrigation systems, residential or commercial, connected to potable water shall have approved backflow prevention devices. 

7. All boiler systems, residential or commercial, connected to potable water shall have approved backflow prevention devices

.8. All ‚cottage industries‚ in residences are subject to survey and requirements for backflow prevention devices. 

9.  Installation of backflow prevention devices shall be in accordance with the Colorado Cross Connection Control Manual and approved by the Town public works department. 

10. All vehicles, tank equipped, used to haul water must have an approved air gap or be equipped to fill through a reduced pressure backflow prevention device.Such vehicles are subject to inspection at least annually and may be subject to inspection at any time they are filling from a potable water source.Commercial carriers using an air gap for protection must have an air gap certification affidavit from the Town in the vehicle at all times potable water is being hauled.



Contact Information

(970) 283-5475